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arcareach Sigma

arcareach Sigma S-Bus Extender

Arcareach | Sigma is an inverse NT-1 that changes an S interface (NT side) into a U interface (LT side) and provides power feeding (70V) on the U interface.

Many digital PBXs offer ISDN S-bus interfaces as standard which can operate up to 0.9km (3000ft) under certain conditions. When there is a requirement for the S-bus to be located much further from the PBX the Arcareach | Sigma can be used to turn the S-bus interface into a U interface, supporting 2B1Q encoding.

Using Arcareach | Sigma an S interface can be extended up to 5km by installing an NT-1 at the far end.

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arcareach Sigma Features

Extending the Distance/Range of your ISDN or convert from S to U Interface
  • Convert four wire S-bus interface to two wire U interface (2BIQ)
  • Provides 70V 3W power feeding for NT-1s
  • Extends up to 5.5km (18,500ft) (theoretical maximum)
  • Supports point - multi point on remote S-bus
  • Two extended S-buses in each arcareach Sigma unit

Many Digital PBXs offer ISDN S-bus interfaces as standard. The S interface can operate up to 0.9km (3000ft) under certain conditions and in most instances this is sufficient for normal use.

When there is a requirement for the S-bus to be located much further from the PBX, the Arcareach | Sigma can be used to turn the 4 wire S-bus interface into a 2 wire U interface, supporting 2BIQ encoding. The U interface cabling can theoretically be up to 5.5km (18,500ft) although in practical situations it may be less than this.

The U interface can again be turned back to an S-bus interface using a standard NT-1 at the remote end where the ISDN terminals can be attached. Arcareach Sigma can optionally provide a voltage supply on the U interface to power the NT-1s if required.

Convert from S to U interfaceThe Arcareach Sigma can also be used with other equipment when only an S-bus interface is supplied but a U interface is required.

One Arcareach Sigma will change 2 S interfaces to 2 U interfaces


S Interface
TE Mode, 100 ohm terminated
U Interface
LT mode, ANSI T1.601
Number of Interfaces
2S and 2U
U Interface Power
70V 3W per U interface
110V-125V, 8W or 240-250V, 6W (jumper selected)
0-50°C, 10-80% Humidity, Non Condensing
1.5 kgs
18.5cm x 15.5cm x 4.5 cm



arcareach Sigma datasheet.

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